Meeting with future leaders

Mayor and govt students 1 - Copy
During his first official week on the job, Monett Mayor Randy Burke made time to meet with Monett High School students to discuss local issues, his goals as a city official and gather information about what local youth view as positives and negatives in their community.100_0145
Immediately following the Friday, April 19 Monett City Council Meeting, which was held at the Monett School District Office, the mayor met with a group of High School Government Class students to field a series of questions they had prepared.
The following Tuesday, Burke met with the GO CAPS Global Business and Entrepreneurism group to commend them on their recent project presentations, which included a plan for the Monett Airport, and discuss his experience and other topics of interest to the students.
Burke also heard from each student a brief presentation on their ambitions for their post-high school careers, including what would, or could, bring them home to Monett following their college careers.