Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Human Resources Department located?

What are the Human Resources Department office hours?

Is the Human Resources Department open during the lunch hour?

What types of positions are availalbe with the City of Monett?

How often do you advertise open jobs?

Where do you advertise open jobs?

How can I apply for open jobs?

Do you accept resumes for open jobs?

What happens if I am not chosen for a job? Do I have to continue to fill out new applications for future jobs?

Can I apply for jobs that are not advertised?

How long do you keep applications on file?

How long after the job closes do you notify the applicant?

How do I apply for Police Officer and Fire Fighter postitions?

Are seasonal job openings listed on your web site?

Where can I get information on lifeguard certification?

How can I get CDL (Commercial Driver's License)?

What benefits do you offer?