City Meetings

The regular meetings of the Council are held on the twentieth (20th) of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Monett City Hall. 

  • If the twentieth falls on a Saturday, the regular meeting will be held on Friday
  • If the twentieth falls on a Sunday, the meeting will be held on Monday

Special meetings and closed sessions are held whenever it is deemed necessary. All meetings of the Council are open to the public with the exception of closed sessions. All meeting times and dates are posted at City Hall and with the local news media.

Any person may address the Council on any subject of “public interest” during a Council meeting only during the designated time on the agenda. The Mayor may limit the time allowed to any person addressing the Council on such matters.

If you wish to address the City Council please call (417) 235-3763 and give the City Clerk 24 hours notice and request to be placed on the meeting agenda.